Dec 29, 2020 - Default    No Comments

If God, why evil?

R. C. Sproul: “We’re never allowed to call good ‘evil,’ or evil ‘good.'” Evil is evil, it is not good, but it is good that there is evil. It is good that there is a devil (or there wouldn’t be a devil or there wouldn’t be sin), because God has ordained both the existence of Satan and the existence of sin, and everything that God ordains, ultimately, is good.”


Dec 17, 2020 - Default    No Comments


佈道家 Robert L. Summer 在他的書《奇妙聖言 The wonder of the word of God》中,講述堪薩斯城 (Kansas City) 一個男人的故事。這人在一次爆炸中受了重傷,面容嚴重變形,不單失去雙手,也喪失視力。意外發生時,他才成為基督徒不久,令他大失所望的就是不能夠再讀聖經。後來他聽說英國有一位女士能用嘴唇讀點字符號 (Braille 盲文),他也希望能這樣讀聖經,於是訂購了幾卷盲文版的聖經書卷。不過他發現,嘴唇的神經末梢受損太嚴重,無法分辨文字。有一天,當他把點字版放到嘴唇上,舌頭正好接觸到幾個凸起的字,他能感覺得到它們的存在,剎那間他想到:“我可以用舌頭讀聖經。” Robert L. Summer 在寫這件事的時候,這人已讀完整本聖經六次。
