敬拜禮儀 Liturgy
- 宣言:宣告信仰 Confession of Faith
- 宣告:問安 Greeting
- 宣召:呼召敬拜 Call to Worship
- 唱詩:崇拜詩篇 Psalm of Adoration
- 呼求:宣召禱告 Prayer of Invocation
- 宣讀:誦讀律法 Reading of the Law
- 宣告:認罪 Confession of Sin
- 宣告:赦罪 Absolution
- 唱詩:感恩詩篇 Psalm of Thanksgiving
- 牧禱:牧者代禱 Prayer of Intercession
- 唱詩:預備詩篇 Psalm of Preparation
- 宣讀:誦讀經文 Reading of Scripture
- 祈求:求光照 Prayer for Illumination
- 教導:教義要理問答
- 證道:傳講信息 Sermon
- 唱詩:哀傷詩篇 Psalm of Lament
- 聖禮:領主餐-The Lord’s Supper
- 唱詩:感謝詩篇 Psalm of Gratitude
- 奉獻:樂獻 Tithing
- 宣告:報告 Announcement
- 唱詩:三一頌 Doxology
- 牧禱:祝福 Benediction
鏈接 1:敬拜禮儀 (參考)
鏈接 2:敬拜禮儀手冊
鏈接 3:爾灣聖徒改革宗長老會:敬拜禮儀