Oct 16, 2020 - Default    No Comments


唐崇榮牧師:「改教運動已經過去了,但是改教的精神要維持下去。我們要向前奮進。Fighting for the future. 我們為未來而爭戰,為未來而奮鬥,不可停止一天。這是我一生一世事奉的原則。我從17歲開始事奉主,我心靈的深處知道事奉是一個爭戰,禱告是一個爭戰,奉獻是一個爭戰,作見證是一個爭戰,讚美是一個爭戰,佈道是一個爭戰,解經是一個爭戰。我這一生是用爭戰的精神去事奉上帝。 你聽我講道的時候,我不是慢條斯理一句一句的告訴你,我是以奮戰的精神把上帝的道傳給你們。你們心靈的深處一定有這樣的感覺:唐牧師的講道是火熱的,他是積極認真的,是非常負責任的,是嚴肅的,是用爭戰的精神與魔鬼打仗,感謝上帝﹗」

Oct 5, 2020 - Default    No Comments

Paul Washer’s Warnings to Christian Rappers …

“As a preacher I know this, whenever eloquence is more important than the words spoken, there is no power. And whenever a music medium becomes more important than the truth it seeks to communicate, it’s useless. ” — Paul Washer

“You must be holy. You must follow Him. Don’t you know that because of what you’re doing, people even good Christians are waiting and looking for you to fall. They’re looking for you to do something that will prove that this was not a medium chosen by God. So, you have to live beyond and above reproach. You have to live what you’re proclaiming.” — Paul Washer

Oct 3, 2020 - Default    No Comments

What’s the world?

約翰一書 2:15

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


“What’s the world? Everything in this fallen age that contradicts the attributes and will of God. Everything that does not come forth from God and goes back to God in worship, that’s the world.” — Paul Washer
