Oct 27, 2017 -
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John Rogers, Puritan evangelist
— from Puritan Evangelism by Joel Beeke
A great Puritan evangelist, John Rogers, warned his congregation against neglecting Scripture by telling them what God might say: “I have trusted you so long with my Bible…it lies in [some] houses all covered with dust and cobwebs, you care not to listen to it. Do you use my Bible so? Well you shall have my Bible no long.”
Roger then picked up his Bible and started walking away from the pulpit. Then he stopped, fell on his knees, and took on the voice of the people, who pleaded, “Lord, whatever Thou dost to us, take not Thy Bible from us; kill our children, burn our houses, destroy our goods; only spare us Thy Bible, take not away Thy Bible.”
“Say you so?” the minister replied, impersonating God. “Well, I will try you a while longer; and here is my Bible for you. I will see how you use it, whether you will search it more, love it more, observe it more, and live more according to it.”
Thomas Goodwin was so moved by Rogers’ dramatic presentation that when he left church he wept upon his horse’s neck for fifteen minutes before he felt strong enough to mount it.
有一位清教徒佈道家 John Roger 有一次在講道上…開始勸誡眾人,並扮演上帝的角色說道:“我已經把我的聖經賜給你們這麼長時間了,你們卻忽視它,它被放在家家戶戶裡面,全蓋滿了灰塵和蛛網。你們不願意去讀它。你們不就是這樣使用我的聖經的嗎?好吧,那我就不再把聖經給你們了。”