Jun 11, 2020 - Default    No Comments

Why Does God Seem Hidden?

by Jonathan Morrow, The Apologetics Study Bible for Students, Psalm 88 notes.

“At other times God hides for a season so that people will seek him more earnestly. This is part of how he teaches Christians to live dependent and grateful lives. There are moments when the pain and loss we feel in life’s circumstances make it seem that God is far away or altogether absent. At such times, we cry out with the psalmist: “LORD, why do you reject me? Why do you hide your face from me? (Ps 88:14). Even Jesus experienced an excruciating silence from God on the cross (Mk 15:34). Ultimately, Jesus is our example for trusting God when the silence is deafening.”

有時神 “藏” 起來,為要叫人切切地尋求祂。這是祂教導基督徒過信靠和感恩生活的一部分。有些時候,我們在生活環境中感受到的痛苦和失落,讓我們覺得上帝似乎離我們很遠,或者完全不在我們身邊。在這種時候,我們和詩人一起喊着說: “神啊,你為何丟棄我?為何掩面不顧我?(Ps 88:14)。就連耶穌在十字架上也經歷了神的靜默 (可 15:34)。最後,當 “寂靜欲聾” 的時候,耶穌是我們信靠神的榜樣。”

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