Nov 13, 2017 - Default    No Comments

“Reformed is…”

Steven Lawson 史蒂芬·勞森:

When we say “Reformed”, we simply mean “biblical”, that we’ve come back to the Bible, and allow the Bible to frame our doctrines. Reformed in essence is: God formed the truth. And then the truth became deformed by false teachers, traditions and ecclesiastical hierarchy, which became the authority (instead of the Word of God). “Reformed” is to simply bring it back to where God formed it. So, man by his failure to properly teaching the Bible deformed it, and the reformers simply put it back to the form as God has originally given it.

當我們說 “改革宗” 或 “歸正” 時,其實我們指的只是 “合乎聖經”,就是回到聖經之中,讓聖經來構建我們的教義。“歸正” 說到底就是:上帝在開始的時候賜下了真理,然後真理被假教師、壞傳統或教會制度所扭曲,形成了新的權威(而不是上帝的話語);“歸正” 其實就是把它帶回到上帝當初啟示它的樣子。 簡單來說,因為人未能正確地教導聖經而使聖經被扭曲,宗教改革家們只是將其恢復為上帝原本的意思。


唐崇榮 Stephen Tong: 

Reformed is a global invitation for the whole Church to return to the whole Bible with a whole heart.

真正的謙卑不是外形的、而是在心志上歸回真理的那種願意去自我修改。謙卑是真誠地悔改、改變和糾正自己 (Humility is the sincerity to repent, change and correct yourself)。

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