Articles by " Admin"
Dec 31, 2018 - Default    No Comments



– 持守使徒所遺傳下來的信仰
– 順從基督施行聖禮
– 用上帝公義的能力懲戒犯罪的人
– 彼此相愛
– 勇敢作見證
– 多結果子

“那些很多基督徒的教會,你把他抓幾個來問教義的問題,都不懂;而那些教義很好的教會他們都不傳福音。” — 唐崇榮

Dec 30, 2018 - Default    No Comments

Reformed Experiential Preaching

Reformed Experiential Preaching 
by Joel Beeke

9 Points:

  1. Tests genuine experience by the standard of biblical truth idealistically, realistically, optimistically.
  2. Draws lines distinguishing between believers and unbelievers.
  3. Makes frequent and wise application of truth to life.
  4. Balances biblical, doctrinal, experiential and practical elements.
  5. Cultivate a life of communion with our God and Savior.
  6. Builds experience upon the foundation of Holy Scripture, God’s Word.
  7. Goes beyond contemporary superficiality into the deep wisdom of old paths.
  8. Offers food to satisfy the new spiritual sense of the believers’ souls.
  9. Touches the heart with a bitterness of sin and the sweetness of grace.
Reformed Experiential Preaching applies the truth of God to the hearts of people to show how things ought to go, and do go, and ultimately will go in the Christian experience, with respect to God, and his neighbors (i.e. family, church, world around him).
Reformed experiential preacher receives God’s Word into his heart and then preaches it to the minds, the hearts and the lives of his hearers.
Note 1: Head-knowledge of God is not useless but necessary. We need to know the truth.
Note 2: We don’t change people by our experiences as preachers. Holy Spirit alone changes people.
Every revival throughout church history begins in the hearts of preachers, who were set aflame with the truth of God’s Word and preached it with passion and conviction; then the Holy Spirit who prepared that minister’s heart, use that minister, then other ministers, and then other ministers got impacted, and use those ministers to bring from heart to heart to the people, and brought waves of revival.
The act of preaching is a living bond (connection) between preacher and hearers. The bond that you cannot leave your church is that there are hungry people who want to be fed and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Dec 27, 2018 - Default    No Comments

Quotes 名言

“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.” — John Wesley

奧古斯丁 Augustine:“如果我說的不合聖經,請離開我,回到聖經去。”
司布真曾說:”與其教導十個人要如何傳道,我寧願教導一個人要如何禱告。I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach.”

選摘自:呂沛淵《傳到地極 – 記念趙中輝牧師:獻我一生》
人生只有兩大問題:「主啊,你是誰?」與「主啊, 你要我做什麼?」這是保羅在往大馬色的路上,蒙主光照後所問的兩個問題。簡言之,就是「生命」(誰是我生命的主宰)與「使命」(什麼是主差遣我去做的)。有「生命」而無「使命」,則是浪費生命;有「使命」而不遵行,則是抗命。 ​

——呂沛淵《傳到地極 – 記念趙中輝牧師》
人生只有兩大問題:”主啊,你是誰?” 與 “主啊,你要我做什麼?” 這是保羅在往大馬色的路上,蒙主光照後所問的兩個問題。簡言之,就是 “生命” (誰是我生命的主宰) 與 “使命” (什麼是主差遣我去做的)。有 “生命” 而無 “使命”,則是浪費生命;有 “使命” 而不遵行,則是抗命。