Jan 20, 2022 -
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Coram Deo
Coram Deo = (to live) in the presence of God
Coram Deo –> walk with God
Coram Deo –> fear of God
Coram Deo –> love of God
Coram Deo –> humility
Cong Fang读经祷告、追求圣洁、彻底奉献、传福音 |
Coram Deo = (to live) in the presence of God
Coram Deo –> walk with God
Coram Deo –> fear of God
Coram Deo –> love of God
Coram Deo –> humility
作者: Dr. Ligon Duncan
耶稣的工作 = 带来天父的应许 = 路 24:49; 徒 1:4
应许 = 亚伯拉罕之约 = 加 3:13-14; 创 12, 15, 17
应许 = 赐下圣灵 = 徒 2:38-39; 加 3:13-14
洗礼替代了割礼 = 徒 2:38-39; 西 2:11-12