Sep 15, 2020 -
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Prayer 祷告
from ESV Reformation Study Bible Notes 2015
“Prayer is a means God uses to bring His sovereign will to pass.”
“He invites us to come boldly before Him, but never arrogantly.”
“The faith we bring to prayer must include a trust that God is able to hear our prayers and that He is disposed to answer them.”
《路加福音 11:5-8》
耶稣说:“你们中间谁有一个朋友半夜到他那里去,说:‘朋友,请借给我三个饼,因为我有一个朋友行路,来到我这里,我没有什么给他摆上。’ 那人在里面回答说:‘不要搅扰我,门已经关闭,孩子们也同我在床上了,我不能起来给你。’ 我告诉你们:虽不因他是朋友起来给他,但因他情词迫切地直求,就必起来照他所需用的给他。 ”