We desperately need to explore how much of our boldness is American and how much is biblical, especially during the pandemic.
Cong Fang读经祷告、追求圣洁、彻底奉献、传福音 |
We desperately need to explore how much of our boldness is American and how much is biblical, especially during the pandemic.
现在的异端越来越猖獗了,借着网络 (如 Facebook, YouTube, etc.),打着 “基督徒” 的名号,说着基督教的言语,比基督徒还像基督徒,甚至鼓励人读圣经,然后用错误的解释给人洗脑 (如 “新天地教会 Shincheonji”)。多数异端不认耶稣是上帝 (约壹 4:1-3)、否定或乱解圣经、拒绝正统教义、灌输异端教义。基督徒如果不学习正统的教义,就会落入异端的教义。基督教不是只有《使徒信经》;教会也不能只有《使徒信经》。教义就是神学,一套好的教义就是一个好的系统神学,就是整本圣经的总原则,就是经文中的精意,也就是神的道。
当问到 “上帝能否造一块祂举不起来的石头” 的时候,这和能力无关,这是可能性的问题。
“不能” 有五种含义:
以下转自 GotQuestions.org
“上帝是无所不能的 (伯 11:7-11, 37:23; 林后 6:18; 启 4:8; 等)。上帝能做任何「可能的」事情。然而,上帝不能做那些 「不可能的」事情 (如:造出一块连上帝都举不起来的石头)。事实上,圣经列出了上帝不能做的事——比如:说谎或否认自己 (来 6:18; 提后 2:13; 多 1:2)。真正的「不可能性」不是基于拥有多少力量,而是基于什么是真正的「可能」。真正的「不可能」不会通过增加更多的力量就变成「可能」的。”
“God (being unlimited) has unlimited power, and the Bible affirms this (Job 11:7-11, 37:23; 2 Corinthians 6:18; Revelation 4:8; etc.). Therefore, God can do whatever is possible to be done. God cannot, however, do that which is actually impossible. In fact, the Bible itself lists things God cannot do – like lie or deny Himself (Hebrews 6:18; 2 Timothy 2:13; Titus 1:2).This is because true impossibility is not based on the amount of power one has, it is based on what is really possible. The truly impossible is not made possible by adding more power.” (GotQuestions.org)