Jan 7, 2018 -
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Howard Griffin – Black Like Me
美国有一个白人名叫格里芬(Howard Griffin),在一九五九年故意用药物,太阳灯,染料将自己的肤色染黑成像一个黑人,借以体验一下真正黑人的遭遇。他去美国南部各州走了一趟,结果受到各种非人的待遇:有的车子他不能坐,有的餐馆他不准进,有的旅馆他不能住,有的厕所他不准用;他遭受了不少的 逼害,轻视,欺骗,这些都记载在他的“Black Like Me”的书中,简直令人难以置信。
In the United States, there was a white man named Howard Griffin. In 1959, he deliberately used medicine, sun lamps, and dyes to make himself like a black man in order to experience what a real African American experienced.
He took a trip to the Southern states. He had encountered a variety of inhuman treatments: some cars he could not sit, some restaurants he could not enter, some hotels he could not live, and some restrooms he could not use; He also suffered persecutions, contempt and deceptions, which are all recorded in his book Black Like Me.
In order to save us, the infinite God becomes finite, the holy God becomes the form of sinners, and the living God becomes the prisoner for death.