Nov 30, 2017 -
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God sends sinners to hell
Sinners go to hell because of their sins, not because of God (2Tim 2:4; Ezekiel 18:23).
If God does not have mercy, we should all be in hell. God has mercy, but God also has justice. God is a holy God. For example, if someone kills your family, do you want the judge to set him free or not?
Because God has justice, sinners must die.
Because God has mercy, Jesus died for sinners.
God is holy. God’s wrath is holy wrath. God sends sinners to hell because God is holy and just.
God hates sinners not because God is bad, but God is good, and we are bad. God loves sinners not because we are good, but God is good.
Does God hates sinners? Yes, look on the cross.
Does God loves sinners? Yes, look on the cross.