Feb 2, 2018 -
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得救的信心 Saving Faith
天主教 vs. 基督教
天主教:称义 = 信心 + 善行
基督教:信心 = 称义 + 善行
* “称义” = 被称为 “义人” (好人) = 得救
* “善行” = “好行为” = 顺服神 = 遵行律法
* “善行” = “好行为” = 顺服神 = 遵行律法
什么是 “得救的信心”?
Saving Faith (得救的信心) |
= | Notitia (知道) |
+ | Assensus (同意) |
+ | Fiducia (信靠) |
1) 知道 = 知道福音的内容 2) 同意 = 同意福音的真实性 3) 信靠 = 信靠和顺服 |
“我们被称义不是因为遵守律法, 而是为了可以遵守律法。” |
Notitia = Knowing
Assensus = Assenting
Fiducia = Trusting and Obeying
Legalism: Works = Justification
Antinomianism: Faith – Works = Justification
Catholicism: Faith + Works = Justification
Christianity: Faith = Justification + Works
Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Logic: Knowledge + Evidence = Truth
Faith: God’s Word = Truth
Logic: Knowledge + Evidence = Truth
Faith: God’s Word = Truth
Repentance is running from sin, and faith is running to God. Same direction, same action. They are the two sides of the same coin.
Repentance = Running from sin = Running to God = Faith
Fear-based repentance is running to God without Christ.
Joy-based repentance is running to God in Christ.
Joy-based repentance is running to God in Christ.
Attrition = fear of punishment
Contrition = a broken and contrite heart = true faith