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Apr 10, 2023 - Default    No Comments


耶稣对她说: “复活在我,生命也在我 (或译: 我就是那复活、就是那生命)。信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活;凡活着信我的人必永远不死。你信这话吗?” (约 11:25-26)
生命指的是永生。人在信的时候就有永生了 (约 17:3)。有了永生的信徒的身体还是会死 (罗 7:14, 8:10),但他们与神的关系不会隔绝 (罗 8:38-39),在神面前是绝不会死的 (约 11:26; 林前 15:55-56)。
复活是为著(身体)已死的信徒,叫他们(的身体)复活,确切地说是拥有一个新的身体,包括所有的信徒。保罗说: “因号筒要响,死人要复活成为不朽坏的,我们也要改变” (林前 15:52)。
Apr 9, 2023 - Default    No Comments


真正的成聖一定會使人增長愛心、謙卑、聖潔。聖經說 「知識叫人自高自大」(林前 8:1);然而,一個人如果越認識神、越接近神,應該是越謙卑,而不是越驕傲;而且,應該越來越像神、像基督,越來越有愛,因為神就是愛 (約一 4:16)。其實,成聖就是神對人的愛。”我們愛,因為神先愛我們” (約一 4:19)。
同時,真正的成聖也應該使人越來越追求過聖潔的生活,因為聖靈是聖潔的靈 (羅 15:16),也是真理的靈 (約一 4:6)。所以,如果要確定一個人是不是有聖靈,除了看他/她認不認耶穌是道成肉身 (約一 4:2),還要看有沒有追求聖潔、有沒有追求真理。神拯救我們的目的是為了使我們藉著真道成為聖潔 (約 17:17)。神說: “你們要聖潔,因為我是聖潔的” (彼前 1:16; 利 19:2)。
Mar 30, 2023 - Default    No Comments

“Trinity” vs. “Triunity”

The terms “Trinity” and “Triunity” are often used interchangeably to refer to the Christian doctrine of the three-in-one nature of God. However, there are subtle differences between the two terms.
The term “Trinity” comes from the Latin word “Trinitas,” which means “threefoldness.” It refers to the Christian belief that God exists as three distinct persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – who are united in one divine essence.
The term “Triunity,” on the other hand, is derived from the Greek word “Triados” (Τριάδος), which means “group of three.” It emphasizes the idea that the three persons of the Trinity are united in a shared nature or essence.
In practice, both terms are used to describe the same fundamental belief in the three-in-one nature of God. However, the term “Triunity” is less commonly used in everyday Christian language, and is often reserved for more technical or scholarly discussions of the doctrine of the Trinity. “Triunity” would be less likely than with the term “Trinity” to be misunderstood or misused in contexts outside of Christian theology to suggest the existence of multiple gods.
