After the apostles, the twin dangers of antinomian neglect of the weekly assembly (忽視主日的反律法主義) and “Judaizing” legalism (猶太化的律法主義) already reared their head.
Calvin saw a threefold purpose for the Sabbath institution (Institutes 2.8.31-32):
- As a sign of the final rest that would come with Christ (是預表基督將要帶來的最終安息).
- to maintain church order (是維持教會秩序).
- to offer relief for workers (是使做工的得到休息).
Charles Hodge (賀治):“每當十誡在所有基督的教會被宣讀時,第四條誡命亦被宣讀,人們都當被教導而說,‘主啊,求你憐憫我們,使我們虛心持守這條律法。’”
John Murray:“為什麼守安息日就是法利賽人的做法,或是屬於律法主義?該問的應該是,這是神聖的命令嗎?如果是,那麼遵守它就並不比遵守神的其他誡命更加律法主義”。
- 新約將主日視作神的子民每周的聚會,為要得蒙恩惠和公開敬拜。
- 新約堅持要求信徒固定地參加這些領受恩典的公開敬拜。我們需要一天時間與聖徒共同體一起被將要來的世代的大能所澆灌。
- 第四條誡命的道德含義依舊有效,但其儀式和民事的層面則已經過時。
- The moral intent of the fourth commandment remains in effect, but the ceremonial and civil aspects are absolete.
- 儀式層面過時是因為,預表和影子在現實中都已被成全了,那便是耶穌基督。任何紀念基督教安息日即主日的活動,如果沒有充滿在福音里所披戴的、在基督里歡慶節日般的喜樂,就是另一種迷信的儀式。
- The ceremonial aspects are obsolete because the types and shadows have been fulfilled in the reality, which is Jesus Christ. Any celebration of the Christian Sabbath or Lord’s Day that is not filled with this festive delight in Christ as he is clothed in the gospel is just another superstitious ritual.
- 最終來說,對主日的輕忽即是對蒙恩管道和與聖徒團契的輕忽,而這些正是我們當今這個時代諾斯底主義和反律法主義思潮中的一部分。正如基督是帶着可見的身體入了墳墓一樣,他並沒有廢去形式、結構和其他有形的手段。正如華菲德(B. B. Warfield)所表達的觀點,“基督將安息日與自己一起帶入墳墓,又在復活的清晨將主日和自己一道帶出墳墓”。
Note: It is one thing to be bound by the moral law, but another to be under the law. We do not keep the moral law because we are still under the law. We keep the moral law because the law is now on our heart and in our desire.
參考:Why Don’t Christians Keep the Jewish Law?
參考:A View on Sabbath 安息日