Articles by " Admin"
Apr 24, 2017 - Default    No Comments

What is Reformed (Steven Lawson)

“When we say Reformed, we simply mean Biblical.”

  • Reformed = Go back to the Bible.
  • Biblical = Allow the Bible to frame our doctrines.
  • The Foundation = The authority of the Scripture alone.
  • The Goal = The glory of God above all things.
  • The Truth = The purity of the gospel: “how sinful man and be right with the Holy God.”


“Reformed” in essence is:

       God formed the truth. And then the truth became deformed by false teachers, traditions and ecclesiastical hierarchy (which became the authority instead of the Word of God). Reformed is to simply bring it back to where God formed it. So, man by his failure to properly teaching the Bible deformed it, and the reformers simply put it back to the form as God has originally given it.

Apr 4, 2017 - Default    No Comments


教会不是唱歌、听道、吃饭。教会不是同乡会,教会也不是俱乐部。很多人做了基督徒很多年,活得和非基督徒没有分别。你说:“其他基督徒不是都一样吗?” 问题就在于这里了!

你要担心的不是你在天上的赏赐,而是你是否得救。你以为自己已经是基督徒,因为有很多人把你当作基督徒。你从来不为自己的救恩担心,因为有人提醒你 “一次得救、永远得救”。但问题是,你得救了吗?你知道自己信的是什么吗?信主后你的生命改变了吗?
