Feb 24, 2025 - Default    No Comments

我能用 AI 来帮我写讲章吗? (转)

作者:John Piper (约翰·派博 牧师)
播客:Ask Pastor John (APJ)


欢迎回到新的一周。Welcome back to a new week.在这个星期一,我们重新探讨人工智能 (AI) 这一话题。On this Monday, we return to the topic of AI.我们最近在 APJ 1985, “约翰·派博谈 ChatGPT” 中提到过这个话题。We touched on it recently in APJ 1985, “John Piper on ChatGPT.”在那期节目中,约翰牧师,您解释说,“基督徒以神为乐主义” (Christian Hedonism) 为我们提供了一个独特的视角来看待AI,强调上帝在我们不仅理解祂、而且从内心深处因祂而喜乐时得到荣耀——这是AI无法复制的,因为它缺乏属灵的情感和超自然的心灵。And there, Pastor John, you explained that Christian Hedonism offers us a unique angle on AI, emphasizing that God is glorified when humans not only understand him but also rejoice in him from the heart — something AI, lacking spiritual affections and a supernatural heart, cannot replicate.AI从根本上与上帝对智能的预期目的脱节。AI is fundamentally disconnected from God’s intended purpose for intelligence.此后,您在 “歌颂大会” (Sing! Conference) 中的讲道进一步阐述了更多想法,解释了为什么我们从未听说过 “人工智能情感”。Since then, you followed up with more thoughts in your Sing! Conference message, explaining why we never hear about “Artificial Emotion.”

我想这个话题还有很多值得讨论的地方。I suppose there’s still a lot to address here.随着您对AI的思考逐渐展开,我们将通过播客听众提出的两个新角度重新审视这一话题——一位牧师和一位大学事工领袖:As you build out your thoughts on AI, we revisit the topic with two new angles raised by podcast listeners: a pastor and a college-ministry leader.

第一封邮件来自一位匿名牧师,他问道:“约翰牧师,您认为使用像 Gemini 或 ChatGPT 这样的人工智能平台来帮助起草讲章、青少年课程或查经内容是可以的吗?只要我审查、调整并确保其内容与上帝的话语一致。” The first email, from an anonymous pastor, asks this: “Pastor John, do you think it’s okay to use AI platforms — like Gemini or ChatGPT — to help draft a sermon, youth lesson, or Bible study, as long as I review, adjust, and ensure it aligns with God’s word?”

第二封邮件来自一位大学事工领袖:“您好,约翰牧师!感谢这个播客以及它祝福了许多人的方式。The second email comes from a college-ministry leader: “Hello, Pastor John! Thank you for this podcast and the ways it has blessed so many.我的问题是,我可以使用 AI 来撰写我给事工支持者的简报吗?My question is, Can I use AI to write my newsletter to ministry supporters?我会提供真实的更新和事实,但我发现写作特别令人沮丧。I provide real updates and true facts, but I find writing particularly frustrating.虽然 AI 可以帮助我更快、更频繁地撰写简报,但我担心这可能会让我的支持者觉得被误导。While AI would help me write newsletters more quickly and frequently, I worry it could feel misleading to my supporters.牧师在事工任务 (如: 预备讲章和简报撰写) 中使用 AI 有哪些潜在的危险?”What are the potential dangers of pastors using AI for ministry tasks like sermon preparation and newsletter writing?”

让我们从一个定义开始。Let’s start with a definition.我直接从谷歌 (Google) 上获得了这个定义。I got this straight off Google.这是另一个人工智能对人工智能的定义:It’s another artificial intelligence defining artificial intelligence.“人工智能是一种科技,使计算机和机器能够模拟人类的学习、理解、解决问题、决策、创造力和自主性。”“Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and autonomy.”

以下是 约翰·派博 (John Piper) 牧师的回答:

人工智能永远缺乏的东西What AI Will Always Lack

你刚才提到的,Tony,在问题中,是我在 “歌颂大会” 上的信息,我在那里指出,那个 (人工智能) 定义中缺少的东西,那个它模拟的事物列表中,没有情感。What you just referred to, Tony, in the question is my message at Sing! where I drew attention to the fact that missing from that definition, that list of things that it simulates, is emotion.感情没有被列在其中。Feelings are not listed there.为什么?Why?我认为这个很重要。I made a big deal out of that.因为宇宙的终极目的是荣耀上帝,而祂的荣耀不仅在于被正确地思考、逻辑地理解,还在于被正确地享受、欣赏、珍视。Because the ultimate purpose of the universe is that God be glorified, and he is glorified not merely by being rightly thought about, logically comprehended, but by rightly being enjoyed, admired, appreciated, valued.当我们在祂里面最满足时,上帝得到最大的荣耀,这意味着人工智能永远无法敬拜。And God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in him, which means no artificial intelligence will ever be able to worship.
敬拜不仅仅是正确的思考,这是计算机能做到的。Worship is not simply right thinking, which computers can do.敬拜是对上帝的正确情感。Worship is right feeling about God.这真的很关键,否则我们开始认为人工智能可以取代人类来实现宇宙中的神圣目的。That’s really crucial, unless we begin to think that artificial intelligence can take the place of human beings in accomplishing the divine purpose in the universe.它不能。It can’t.人类内心的情感本质上与人类思维的逻辑过程不同。The affections of the human heart are fundamentally of another nature than the logical thinking process of the human mind.我们并不担心——至少我不担心——计算机可以模拟人类的逻辑推理,但我们认为机器试图去欢喜、愉悦、高兴、敬畏、惊叹、感到悲伤或恐惧是荒谬的。We are not bothered — I’m not bothered anyway — that a computer can simulate human logical reasoning, but we consider it ludicrous when a machine attempts to rejoice or delight or be glad or stand in awe or be amazed or feel grief or fear.我们知道这些是人类灵魂的独特构成,机器无法替代。We know that these are the making of the human soul so uniquely that they will not be replaced by machines.“人工智能情感” 这个词本身就是一个矛盾修辞法。The very phrase “artificial emotion” is an oxymoron.
所以,这就是我在 “歌颂大会” 上的信息的要点。So, that was the point of the message at Sing!我认为人工智能和人工情感之间的这种区别,使我们不必对 AI 能做什么和不能做什么产生过度的恐惧反应。And I think that distinction between artificial intelligence and artificial emotion frees us from an overly fearful reaction to what AI can do and can’t do.

人工智能 “新” 在哪里What’s New About AI

我们所拥有的,本质上是以人工智能形式出现的——称为 ChatGPT 或其他,但我关注的是 ChatGPT,因为这是我最熟悉且使用最多的——我们这里拥有的是一个按其自身定义设计的强大在线助手。What we have, essentially, in the form of artificial intelligence — called ChatGPT or others, but I’m focusing on ChatGPT since that’s the one I’m most familiar with and have worked with most — what we have here is a powerful online assistant designed by its own definition.如果你在 ChatGPT 中输入 “你是什么?”,它会告诉你:“[我是一个助手],用于理解并根据接收到的输入生成类似人类的文本。用户可以提问、寻求信息或进行对话,ChatGPT 会以相关且连贯的文本回应。”If you type into ChatGPT, “What are you?” it will tell you, “[I am an assistant] to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. Users can ask questions, seek information, or engage in conversation, and ChatGPT responds with relevant and coherent text.” 这很关键。That’s crucial.
好,那是新的。Now, that’s new.谷歌不会写文章或诗歌。Google doesn’t write essays or poems.ChatGPT 会。ChatGPT does.所以,你可以从谷歌获取大量信息——问它各种问题,得到你想要的答案。So, you can get a lot of information from Google — ask it all kinds of questions, and get the answers you want.它不会为你写一首诗,而 ChatGPT 会。It won’t write a poem for you, and ChatGPT will.这意味着 ChatGPT 至少有这两个独特功能:信息和创作。Which means that ChatGPT has at least these two distinct functions: information and composition.例如,你可以要求 ChatGPT 给你帕金森病的症状。You can ask ChatGPT to give you the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, for example.你可以说:“给我写一段一百字的段落描述症状”,它就会写出一段优美的一百字段落,描述帕金森病的症状并给出列表。You can say, “Write me a one-hundred-word paragraph describing the symptoms,” and it would just write a beautiful one-hundred-word paragraph describing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and give you a list.
从这个意义上说,ChatGPT 只是我们常规使用的其他来源的一个非常复杂的补充,帮助我们了解我们需要知道的,理解我们需要理解的:字典、百科全书、文章、书籍、谷歌搜索等等。In that sense, ChatGPT is simply a very sophisticated addition to other sources we regularly use to help us know what we need to know and understand what we need to understand: dictionaries, encyclopedias, articles, books, Google searches, and so on.我们已经这样做了上千年——从其他人那里获得帮助,以了解我们需要知道的,理解我们需要理解的。We’ve been doing this for a thousand years — getting help from other people to help us know what we need to know, understand what we need to understand.如果你以这种方式使用 ChatGPT,那只是相对老传统的方式。That’s just relatively old school if you use ChatGPT that way.
新颖之处在于,你可以要求 ChatGPT 根据《路加福音》15章的 “浪子回头” 比喻写一篇两千字的讲道。What’s new is that you can ask ChatGPT to write a two-thousand-word sermon on the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15.事实上,你可以输入:“请以神学家 ‘约翰·派博’、‘加尔文’ 或 ‘史普罗’ (R. C. Sproul) 的风格和语言,为我写一篇关于《路加福音》15章 ‘浪子回头’ 的两千字讲道。”In fact, you can type in, “Please write me a two-thousand-word sermon on the prodigal son from Luke 15 in the style and language of theologian John Piper or John Calvin or R.C. Sproul.” 你会得到一篇以你所询问的神学家风格和语言撰写的惊艳讲道。And you will get an astonishingly well-written sermon in the style and language of the theologian that you ask about.或者你可以要求 ChatGPT 撰写你的月度简报。Or you can ask GPT to write your monthly newsletter.只要给它一些事实,告诉它用多少字写,它就会完成,可能和你自己写得一样好。Just give him a few facts and tell him to write it in X-number of words, and he’ll do it as well as you can do it, probably.
“使用 ChatGPT 获取信息和灵感,

人工智能做播客AI Doing APJ

现在,这里有一些值得你思考的事情。Now, here’s something for you to think about.当我看到 Tony 你希望我在这里讨论 AI 时,我去了 ChatGPT,这是我输入的内容:“请以神学家 约翰·派博 的神学和风格,写一篇八百字的回答,回答问题:牧师使用 AI 有哪些危险?”When I saw what, Tony, you wanted me to talk about here with AI, I went to ChatGPT, and here’s what I typed in: “Please write an eight-hundred-word answer, in the theology and style of theologian John Piper, to the question, What are the dangers of a pastor using AI?” 那是我提出的问题。That was what I asked.它花了五秒钟,生成了一篇857字的文章,写得如此出色,如果我现在读给你听,我不认为你,Tony,或者你的听众会知道我是在读 ChatGPT 的内容。It took him five seconds, and he produced an 857-word essay that was so good that if I were reading it right now, I don’t think you, Tony, or your listeners would know that I’m reading from ChatGPT.太惊艳了。It was amazing.该文章除了序言之外,然后是:There was an introduction, and then…
  1. 远离神的危险 (林前 2);there was point 1 (the danger of disconnection from the divine and a quote from 1 Corinthians 2),
  2. 事工机械化的风险 (约 10);point 2 (the risk of impersonal ministry and a quote from John 10)…
  3. 神学诚信的危险 (来 4);point 3 (the challenge of theological integrity and a quote from Hebrews 4),
  4. 伦理降低的危险;point 4 (the peril of ethical compromise),
  5. 把效率当成偶像的危险 (诗篇 127);point 5 (the threat of idolatry in efficiency and a quote from Psalm 127),
最后结论是 “分辨力的呼吁”。and a conclusion called “A Call for Discernment.”我觉得,它太优秀了,难以置信。I mean, it is excellent, unbelievable.
如果我把它当作我自己的读给你听,那将是邪恶的 (wicked)。And if I had read that to you as my own, it would have been wicked.这就是我想让大家听到的。This is what I want the folks to hear.邪恶——我用了一个强烈的词,因为我对此感受很深。Wicked — I’m using a strong word because I feel strongly about this.这涉及到上帝的核心、基督教的意义以及教会及其牧师的完整性。This goes to the heart of God and the meaning of Christianity and the integrity of the church and her ministers.无论是上帝还是祂的子民,都不会以虚假或误导的方式说话,使人对我们或我们的言语产生错误的认知,或对我们产生不恰当的情感;Neither God nor his people speak in a way so as to bring about in the minds of other people thoughts that are not true about us or what we say, or feelings in them that are not appropriate about us.也就是说,我们不欺骗 (不假冒)。That is, we do not deceive.我们应是光明之子、表里如一、诚实无伪,否则我们什么都不是。We are people of truth and transparency and honesty through and through, or we are nothing.

令人震惊的捷径Appalling Shortcut

所以,我的回答是:不,不要让 ChatGPT 写你的简报。So, my answer: No, don’t have ChatGPT write your newsletter.不要这样做,除非你打算在顶部清楚地写上 “这份简报由 ChatGPT 创建”。Don’t do it, unless you’re going to put in clear letters at the top, “This newsletter was created byChatGPT.”那是诚实的,但你的支持者不会喜欢这样。That’s honest, and your supporters won’t like it.即使是这世界,没有我们的基督教规条,也有《芝加哥格式手册》。Even the secular world, without any of our Christian commitments — namely, The Chicago Manual of Style.你知道那是什么吗?You know what that is?它告诉你如何注明一切。It tells you how to do footnotes and everything.《芝加哥格式手册》已经有了如何引用 ChatGPT 来源的指南。The Chicago Manual of Style already has guidelines for how to cite ChatGPT sources.当你引用 ChatGPT 创建的内容时,《芝加哥格式手册》告诉你如何给予它署名。When you’re quoting from something that was created by ChatGPT, The Chicago Manual of Style tells you how to give it credit.如果非信徒都如此,天哪,难道我们不应该更重视坦诚吗?And if the world does that, oh my goodness, how much more should we be concerned to be honest through and through?
第二,不,不要让 ChatGPT 起草你的讲章,即使你会检查、调整和个人化。And second, no, don’t have ChatGPT write the first draft of your sermon, which you then check, adjust, and customize.坦白说,这个想法让我震惊。Frankly, I’m appalled at the thought——appalled.我知道有很多资源和网站一直在帮助很多牧师走捷径,如创建大纲、提供例证、做研究等等。I know that resources and websites have existed forever to help pastors cut corners: create your outlines, provide illustrations, tell you how to do research, and so on.这没什么新鲜的。我一直觉得这令人震惊,原因如下:There’s nothing new about this, and it’s been appalling to me all the way along, for this reason:圣经中作长老-牧师-讲道者的资格之一是拥有教导的恩赐或能力 (提摩太前书 3:2)。one of the qualifications for being an elder-pastor-preacher in the Bible is the gift or the ability to teach, didaktikos (1 Timothy 3:2).“善于教导” 意味着你必须有能力、有恩赐去读一段圣经,明白经文的真义和态度,清楚向人解释,用例证和应用来造就人。That means you must have the ability, the gift, to read a passage of Scripture, understand the reality it deals with, feel the emotions it is meant to elicit, be able to explain it to others clearly, illustrate and apply it for their edification.这是你必须拥有的恩赐。That’s a gift you must have.这是你的首要工作。It’s your number-one job.如果你没有这个能力,你就不应该作牧师。If you don’t have it, you should not be a pastor.
让我们使用 ChatGPT 和其他新工具来获取信息 (学习),甚至灵感,就像你使用释经书、文章、书籍、歌曲和诗歌一样,Let’s use ChatGPT and other sources that are coming along for information, even for inspiration, just like you use commentaries and articles and books and songs and poetry.但不要用它来创作 (composition),除非你诚实公开 (give credit for it)。But don’t use it for composition unless you’re going to give credit for it.所以,如果你打算让 ChatGPT 写你的初稿然后调整它,你最好对你的会众说:So, if you’re going to have ChatGPT write your first draft and you’re going to tweak it, then you better say to your people,“是人工智能 ChatGPT 为你们合成了今天早上的这篇道。”“ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, has composed the word of God for you this morning.”

【帖前 5:5】你们都是光明之子,都是白昼之子。我们不是属黑夜的,也不是属幽暗的。
【约一 1:6】我们若说是与神相交,却仍在黑暗里行,就是说谎话,不行真理了。
【雅 3:17】唯独从上头来的智慧,先是清洁,后是和平、温良、柔顺、满有怜悯、多结善果、没有偏见、没有假冒

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