Feb 24, 2025 - Default    No Comments

我能用 AI 来帮我写讲章吗? (转译)

欢迎回到新的一周。Welcome back to a new week.在这个星期一,我们重新探讨人工智能(AI)这一话题。On this Monday, we return to the topic of AI.我们最近在《APJ 1985:约翰·派博谈ChatGPT》中提到过这个话题。We touched on it recently in APJ 1985, “John Piper on ChatGPT.”
在那期节目中,约翰牧师,您解释说,基督教享乐主义为我们提供了一个独特的视角来看待AI,强调上帝在我们不仅理解祂、而且从内心深处因祂而喜乐时得到荣耀——这是AI无法复制的,因为它缺乏属灵的情感和超自然的心灵。And there, Pastor John, you explained that Christian Hedonism offers us a unique angle on AI, emphasizing that God is glorified when humans not only understand him but also rejoice in him from the heart — something AI, lacking spiritual affections and a supernatural heart, cannot replicate.AI从根本上与上帝对智能的预期目的脱节。AI is fundamentally disconnected from God’s intended purpose for intelligence.
此后,您在Sing! 大会的讲道中进一步阐述了更多想法,解释了为什么我们从未听说过“人工智能情感”。Since then, you followed up with more thoughts in your Sing! Conference message, explaining why we never hear about “Artificial Emotion.”
我想这个话题还有很多值得讨论的地方。I suppose there’s still a lot to address here.随着您对AI的思考逐渐展开,我们将通过播客听众提出的两个新角度重新审视这一话题:一位牧师和一位大学事工领袖。As you build out your thoughts on AI, we revisit the topic with two new angles raised by podcast listeners: a pastor and a college-ministry leader.
第一封邮件来自一位匿名牧师,他问道:“约翰牧师,您认为使用像Gemini或ChatGPT这样的人工智能平台来帮助起草讲道、青少年课程或查经内容是可以的吗?只要我审查、调整并确保其内容与上帝的话语一致。”The first email, from an anonymous pastor, asks this: “Pastor John, do you think it’s okay to use AI platforms — like Gemini or ChatGPT — to help draft a sermon, youth lesson, or Bible study, as long as I review, adjust, and ensure it aligns with God’s word?”
第二封邮件来自一位大学事工领袖:“您好,约翰牧师!感谢这个播客以及它祝福了许多人的方式。The second email comes from a college-ministry leader: “Hello, Pastor John! Thank you for this podcast and the ways it has blessed so many.我的问题是,我可以使用AI来撰写我给事工支持者的通讯吗?My question is, Can I use AI to write my newsletter to ministry supporters?我会提供真实的更新和事实,但我发现写作特别令人沮丧。I provide real updates and true facts, but I find writing particularly frustrating.
虽然AI可以帮助我更快、更频繁地撰写通讯,但我担心这可能会让我的支持者觉得被误导。While AI would help me write newsletters more quickly and frequently, I worry it could feel misleading to my supporters.牧师在事工任务(如讲道准备和通讯撰写)中使用AI有哪些潜在的危险?”What are the potential dangers of pastors using AI for ministry tasks like sermon preparation and newsletter writing?”
让我们从一个定义开始。Let’s start with a definition.我直接从谷歌上获得了这个定义。I got this straight off Google.这是另一个人工智能对人工智能的定义。It’s another artificial intelligence defining artificial intelligence.
“人工智能是一种技术,使计算机和机器能够模拟人类的学习、理解、解决问题、决策、创造力和自主性。”“Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and autonomy.”

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