Mar 12, 2025 - Default    No Comments

在旧约中的教会 (转译)

作者:加州西敏神学院 (WSC)
现在,有些人可能会不同意,他们会说旧约中找不到 “教会” 这个词。Now some might disagree, arguing that we don’t find the word church in the Old Testament,他们是对的——但仅限于英语而言。and they would be correct, but only for the English.在新约中,被翻译为 “教会” 的希腊词是 ἐκκλησίαThe Greek word that is translated as church is ekklēsia,它可以指基督徒的特定聚会,或所有信徒的整体。and is used in the New Testament for a specific gathering of Christians, or for all believers together.
同样的词 ἐκκλησία 也出现在旧约的希腊译本 “七十士译本” (Septuagint 或 LXX) 中,The same word, ekklēsia, is used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint,用来翻译希伯来词 קָהָל (qāhāl),意思是 “集会” (assembly)。to translate the Hebrew term qāhāl, “assembly.”它用于指以色列人在神面前聚集,或泛指整个以色列民。It is used for Israel as they gathered together to appear before God or as a general reference to all of Israel.
另一个用于翻译 קָהָל (qāhāl) 的希腊词是 συναγωγή (sunagōgē)。Another Greek word used to translate qāhāl is sunagōgē.它也被用来翻译另一个描述以色列的词:עֵדָה (‘ēdâ),意为 “会众” (congregation)。It is also used to translate another word for Israel: ‘ēdâ, “congregation.”在新约中,συναγωγή (sunagōgē) 通常指犹太会堂 (synagogue) 或其成员,In the New Testament, sunagōgē is most often used of a synagogue or its members,但在 雅各书 2:2 的 “会堂” 也用来指基督徒的聚会。but is used for a gathering of Christians in James 2:2.
新约中用于 “教会” 的术语并非新词,而是植根于旧约。The terms used in the New Testament for the church are not new ones but are rooted in the Old Testament.因此,从某种意义上讲,以色列确实是旧约中聚集的教会会众 (church-assembly-congregation)!Thus, in at least some sense, Israel really was the Old Testament church-assembly-congregation!

新约中用于 “教会” 的术语并非新词,

然而,我们可以说,教会的历史可以追溯得更远,甚至早于以色列。And yet, we could say that the church stretches back further, even before Israel.教会包括被召出列国的 亚伯拉罕 (创 12:1),The church includes Abraham who was summoned out of the nations (Gen 12:1),呼求主名的塞特的后裔 (创 4:26),the line of Seth who called upon the name of the Lord (Gen 4:26),以及接受神 “首次福音” 信息的亚当和夏娃 (创 3:15)。and Adam and Eve who embraced God’s first gospel message (Gen 3:15).教会甚至可以包括当初完美被造、与神同在的亚当和夏娃,The church could even include Adam and Eve as created in perfection to dwell in God’s presence,但我们现在不深入探讨这一点。but we will not pursue that now.
《海德堡要理问答》在第 54 问答中表达了类似的观点:The Heidelberg Catechism says much the same thing in Q&A 54:
:你相信 ‘圣而公之教会’ 是什么?”“Q. What do you believe concerning ‘the holy catholic church’?
:‘我相信,神的儿子藉着祂的圣灵和圣道,A. I believe that the Son of God, through his Spirit and Word,从整个人类中,从世界的起初直到末了,out of the entire human race, from the beginning of the world to its end,为自己召聚、护卫、保守一个蒙拣选、得永生、在真信仰里合一的群体。gathers, protects, and preserves for himself a community chosen for eternal life and united in true faith.而且在这个群体中,我是,并永远是,一个活的肢体。’”And of this community I am and always will be a living member.”
当我们思考《海德堡要理问答》的教导时,As we think about what the Heidelberg is teaching,我们要记住,我们可以用两种方式谈论教会。it is helpful to remember that we can speak about the church in two ways.《海德堡要理问答》在这里讲的是我们通常称为 “无形教会” (Invisible Church) 的群体,The Heidelberg is speaking of what we usually call the invisible church,即 “蒙拣选、得永生” 的人——选民。those “chosen for eternal life” – the elect.但当我们谈论旧约中的教会时,But as we think of the church in the Old Testament,通常指的是 “有形教会” (Visible Church),we are usually thinking about the visible church,即不同历史时期和地域中圣约群体的各种聚集。the various gatherings of the covenant community in different times and places.圣经清楚地表明,这些聚集不仅包括选民,The Bible makes clear that these gatherings can include not only the elect也包括那些口里承认却心里不信的人。but also those who profess with their mouth but not with their heart.
神的圣约群体——有形教会的各种聚集,在历史中呈现出不同的形式。These various gatherings of God’s covenant community, the visible church, look quite different throughout history.西奈之前的教会大多以家庭为中心,Most of what is described before Sinai is very family-centered而在以色列时期,我们看到的是一个神权国家。while with Israel we find a theocratic nation.为什么会这样?Why?简单来说,神在救赎历史中,以祂的圣约和律法,In summary, God has formed his covenant community in different ways throughout Redemptive History以不同的方式建立祂的圣约群体,by his covenants and laws目的是引导我们归向基督和祂最终的国度。to point us to Christ and his consummate kingdom.因此,在基督降临之后,Thus, after the coming of Christ,用 “教会” 一词来指称神的圣约群体,there is some wisdom in using the designation of the church for God’s covenant community有助于区分它在救赎历史中的独特地位。to distinguish its unique place in Redemptive History.


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