Nov 25, 2024 -
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旧约 (摩西之约) 中的律法是在上帝的恩典救赎背景下赐予以色列的,正如祂将以色列从埃及拯救出来 (出埃及记 20:2)。律法的作用是启示上帝的圣洁、定罪、并指向基督 (加拉太书 3:24)。新约在基督里成全,也是基于恩典,但通过基督的赎罪和圣灵的赐予,更充分地体现了恩典 (耶利米书 31:31-34;路加福音 22:20;希伯来书 8:6)。在这两个约中,救赎一直都是本于恩典、借着信心 (创世记 15:6,罗马书 4:3),而不是借着行为。
The law in the Old Covenant (The Mosaic Covenant) was given to Israel within the context of God’s gracious redemption, as seen in His deliverance of Israel from Egypt (Exodus 20:2). The law served to reveal God’s holiness, convict of sin, and point forward to Christ (Galatians 3:24). The New Covenant, fulfilled in Christ, also operates on grace but brings a fuller manifestation of it through Christ’s atonement and the giving of the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 31:31–34; Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8:6). In both covenants, salvation has always been by grace through faith (Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3), not by works.