Aug 17, 2021 -
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by R. C. Sproul (史普罗)
“Ultimately, we’re redeemed not because of our worthiness but because of the worthiness of Christ. God is gracious to me in order to reward One who does deserve a reward—His only begotten Son. Do you see the intersection here of grace and justice? It is right or just that Christ should receive an inheritance, and we are that inheritance. That we are that inheritance is grace for us and justice for Christ.”
最终,我们被救赎不是因为我们配得,而是因为基督配得。 上帝恩待我们是为了奖赏那位值得奖赏的——祂的独生子。 你看到 “恩典” 与 “公义” 的交叉点了吗:基督承受基业是应当的(公义的、公正的),而我们就是那产业。换句话说,我们成为基督的产业,对我们来说是恩典,而对基督来说是公正。