Sep 30, 2021 - Default    No Comments

LXX Septuagint 七十士译本

《七十士译本》英文 Septuagint,或用罗马数字 LXX (七十) 表示,是新约时代《希伯来圣经》的希腊语译本,是由大概70位犹太学家在基督之前的2-3世纪完成的。《七十士译本》普遍为犹太教和基督教信徒所认同,是新约作者在引用旧约的使用所使用译本,甚至包括耶稣。圣经翻译者十分尊重《七十士译本》,一是因为那70多位犹太学家比现代的人更加明白希伯来语,二是因为新约写作中使用了《七十士译本》,这说明了包括耶稣和圣灵都视之为可靠的。
“The Septuagint was a translation of the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek done by 70 or so rabbis between 2 and 3 centuries before Christ. The Septuagint is what the New Testament usually quotes when it quotes the Old Testament, including when Jesus quotes the Old Testament. Bible translators tend to pay it respect, partly on the theory that a team of 70 plus rabbis steeped in Hebrew as their living language might understand Hebrew better than those who learned it millennia later as a second language; and partly on the belief that, since the New Testament took most of its Old Testament quotes from the Septuagint, Jesus and the Holy Spirit deemed it to be reliable.” — Larry Wilson
Sep 29, 2021 - Default    No Comments

灵、魂、体三元论里潜在的危险 (转)

“三元论观点里的魂是指人的思想、意志、情感、理性,灵和魂是可以分离开的,三元论者认为魂会对灵起着阻碍和干扰的作用,为了活出基督徒的灵命,就得打破魂的生命,这也就是倪柝声在《人的破碎和灵的出来》里所论述的主题。… 灵恩派错误的解经是与三元论有关系的。灵恩派认为方言是在灵里直接对神说话,那么,既然理性是属于魂,所以理性不明白灵里的方言也就很正常和无所谓。从此也可见,三元论会产生对理性和知识的贬低,从而导致反智、反知识、反教义、反神学、和错误的解经。” (网上文摘)。
Sep 14, 2021 - Default    No Comments


 — E. M. Bounds 邦兹
“The holier a man is, the more does he estimate prayer; the clearer does he see that God gives himself to the praying ones, and that the measure of God’s revelation to the soul is the measure of the soul’s longing, importunate prayer for God.”