Apr 12, 2024 - Default    No Comments

Q. 如何 “顺着圣灵而行”?

——John MacArthur

“Being filled by the Spirit, being controlled by the Spirit, dominated by the Spirit, is the same as letting the word of Christ dominate you, the word and the Spirit being the same. The word reflects the will of the Spirit, so if you want to walk by the Spirit, then you walk according to Scripture, according to what the Word of God teaches. You ask yourself why there’s so little interest in sanctification today? It’s directly parallel to little interest in the Scripture.

“Why there are so many people who fall in ugly and gross sin at all levels of the life of the church? It is because they do not know what they need to know to follow the mind of the Holy Spirit; they’re untaught. It is no favor done to people to preach nothing but simplistic evangelistic sermons, culturally based to try to attract non-believers week after week, year after year, and leave everybody sitting in there who’s come to Christ starving for spiritual truth and not knowing enough to win the battle that’s going on inside.”



参:加拉太书 5:16-25; 罗马书 8:5-11

Apr 10, 2024 - Default    No Comments


——朱志山牧师 / 02. 行神迹异能的意义和目的 / 2024-02-25

“有时候你带着问题来教会,你只要把道听清楚的那个时候,其实你发现,你走出去的时候那个问题已经不是问题了。你里面的 (问题) 大过你外面的 (问题)。你天天忧愁的那个东西,你一直看、越看问题越大、越看越沮丧。你 (真正) 的问题不是那个 (外面的) 问题本身造成的,是你心中没有神的道、你不信神的道,你把这地上至暂至轻的东西看成好像是一切,然后没有喜乐,天天在私欲里面被捆绑。各位,这个的光景里面你要被主的道释放,这是重要的。神的道有能力。”

Apr 8, 2024 - Default    No Comments

Temptation / Test

– Harry Reeder

“Christians make a big mistake that we resist temptation and flee Satan, and I think the Bible would have us do the opposite. The Bible does not want us to flee Satan. The Bible wants us to resist Satan and he will flee from us (James 4:7). That which is to designed by the world, the flesh and the devil to ensnare us into sin, we are to flee that temptation and pursue the environment of holiness and the means of grace that build us up. When God brings tests, they’re not designed to ensnare us. What they are designed to do is edify us. A test from the divine hand does three things: To show us what we know, to show us what we don’t know, and to show us what we need to know.

“基督徒常常抵挡试探、逃避撒旦,这是一个大错;我想圣经要我们做的恰恰相反。圣经没有要我们逃避撒旦;圣经要我们抵挡撒旦,撒旦就会从我们面前逃跑 (雅各书4:7)。世界、肉体和魔鬼设计的诱惑,为了使我们陷入罪恶,我们应当逃离那试探,并追求圣洁的环境和恩典管道来使我们得到造就 (提后 2:22)。当上帝带来试炼时,不是为了使我们陷入网罗,而是为了造就我们。从神而来的试炼有三个功用:告诉我们已经知道的,不知道的,以及需要知道的。
