Jul 11, 2016 - Default    No Comments

Questions to ask before preaching

Francis Chan
1. Am I worried about what people think of my message or what God thinks? (Teach with fear)
2. Do I genuinely love these people? (Teach with love)
3. Am I accurately presenting this passage? (Teach with accuracy)
4. Am I depending on the Holy Spirit’s power or my own cleverness? (Teach with power)
5. Have I applied this message to my own life? (Teach with integrity)
6. Will this message draw attention to me or to God? (Teach with humility)
7. Do the people really need this message? (Teach with urgency)

Justin Taylor
1. Does this message exalt the gospel of Jesus Christ? (grace and redemption)
2. Will people know what to do after hearing the message? (repentance and faith)
3. Am I saying anything (i.e. illustration) that will distract from the point I am trying to make?
4. Do I, at any point, make much of myself in this sermon? (e.g. “I think …”)
5. Would I like this to be the last sermon I ever preach?

Believing that this may be my last opportunity to preach Christ will clarify what really needs to be said. Am I okay with this message being the last thing my family and church hears from my lips? And more importantly, am I okay with this message potentially being the last thing a man, woman or child will hear about the gospel before they die?

Jun 27, 2016 - Default    No Comments


“如果我们想要让上帝的教会在我们当中延续下去,就必须把教会带进家庭,在家庭里培育教会。” — Richard Greenham



Jun 24, 2016 - Default    No Comments

思考笔记:亚伯 和 该隐

亚伯蒙悦纳是因为有信(来 11:4)。
该隐不蒙悦纳是因为行得不好(创 4:7)。

事实上亚伯和该隐都是罪人(罗 3:10)。罪人的所有行为在神面前都是污秽的衣服(赛 64:6)。罪人本来就不可能行得好,关键是亚伯有信,他的行为是出于信心,而该隐的行为不是出于信心。One is relationship, the other is religion. One worships in heart, the other worships in sacrifices. “神是个灵,所以拜他的必须用心灵 spirit 和诚实 truth 拜他”(约 4:24)。

信心是神的恩典。神赐下信心给亚伯,然后看中了亚伯和他的供物(创 4:4)。人非有信就不能得神的喜悦(来 11:6)。神没有赐下信心给该隐,所以看不中该隐和他的供物。神并没有因为该隐没有信心而定他的罪,而是因着他的行为,因为 “不信的人罪已经定了”(约 3:18)。