Articles by "Admin, Author at Cong Fang - Page 90 of 190"
Apr 26, 2020 - Default    No Comments

选摘:守主日 (Michael Horton)

After the apostles, the twin dangers of antinomian neglect of the weekly assembly (忽视主日的反律法主义) and “Judaizing” legalism (犹太化的律法主义) already reared their head.
Calvin saw a threefold purpose for the Sabbath institution (Institutes 2.8.31-32):
  1. As a sign of the final rest that would come with Christ (是预表基督将要带来的最终安息).
  2. to maintain church order (是维持教会秩序).
  3. to offer relief for workers (是使做工的得到休息).
Charles Hodge (贺治):“每当十诫在所有基督的教会被宣读时,第四条诫命亦被宣读,人们都当被教导而说,‘主啊,求你怜悯我们,使我们虚心持守这条律法。’”
John Murray:“为什么守安息日就是法利赛人的做法,或是属于律法主义?该问的应该是,这是神圣的命令吗?如果是,那么遵守它就并不比遵守神的其他诫命更加律法主义”。

  1. 新约将主日视作神的子民每周的聚会,为要得蒙恩惠和公开敬拜。
  2. 新约坚持要求信徒固定地参加这些领受恩典的公开敬拜。我们需要一天时间与圣徒共同体一起被将要来的世代的大能所浇灌。
  3. 第四条诫命的道德含义依旧有效,但其仪式和民事的层面则已经过时。
    • The moral intent of the fourth commandment remains in effect, but the ceremonial and civil aspects are absolete.
  4. 仪式层面过时是因为,预表和影子在现实中都已被成全了,那便是耶稣基督。任何纪念基督教安息日即主日的活动,如果没有充满在福音里所披戴的、在基督里欢庆节日般的喜乐,就是另一种迷信的仪式。
    • The ceremonial aspects are obsolete because the types and shadows have been fulfilled in the reality, which is Jesus Christ. Any celebration of the Christian Sabbath or Lord’s Day that is not filled with this festive delight in Christ as he is clothed in the gospel is just another superstitious ritual.
  5. 最终来说,对主日的轻忽即是对蒙恩管道和与圣徒团契的轻忽,而这些正是我们当今这个时代诺斯底主义和反律法主义思潮中的一部分。正如基督是带着可见的身体入了坟墓一样,他并没有废去形式、结构和其他有形的手段。正如华菲德(B. B. Warfield)所表达的观点,“基督将安息日与自己一起带入坟墓,又在复活的清晨将主日和自己一道带出坟墓”。

Note: It is one thing to be bound by the moral law, but another to be under the law. We do not keep the moral law because we are still under the law. We keep the moral law because the law is now on our heart and in our desire.

参考:Why Don’t Christians Keep the Jewish Law?
参考:A View on Sabbath 安息日

Apr 21, 2020 - Default    No Comments

“遇见神的经历” 重要吗?

“真正的基督徒必然有遇见神的经历,否则,那信仰只是影儿,只是真实的反映,是他人的残唾,是一本贱卖的古卷,里面记载的亦只是先贤往昔轰烈的陈迹。” — A. W. Tozer
Apr 20, 2020 - Default    No Comments



