Aug 17, 2021 -
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作者:John Piper (约翰·派博)
- 旧约预言
- To fulfill Scripture: Scriptures cannot be broken.
- 约 13:18;诗 41:9;徒 1:16
- 罪亦可为神所用
- Even horrific sins serve the saving purposes of God in His sovereign plan.
- 徒 4:27-28
- 得救的信心不是宗教活动
- Saving faith is not the same as religious activity.
- 太 10:1-4, 7:22-23
- 神的主权 (预定拣选) 不会削弱人的责任
- Sovereignty (Predestination) does not undermine human responsibility.
- 约 6:64-65, 17:12;太 27:4
- 对金钱的满足腐蚀我们的灵魂
- Satisfaction in money corrupts our souls.
- 约 12:4-6