May 20, 2020 - Default    No Comments

3 Lessons from Ravi Zacharias

by Sam Allberry for Ravi Zacharias 拉維‧撒迦利亞 (1946-2020)

  1. The person matters more than the question (人比问题重要).
    • “Answer the questioner, not the question.”
  2. Tone is as important as content (语气和内容同样重要).
    • “Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet. 3:15b).
    • “A true word said ungraciously will not commend the gospel. We can un-preach with our manner what we think we’re preaching with our words.”
    • “There were many times at a university forum when a student would ask something in a snarky way. But Ravi would always aim to respond with gentleness and respect. It could often be disarming. They may have just treated him with disdain, but his response was both dignified and dignifying. He didn’t belittle others, or humiliate them.”
  3. The cross is the heart of the message (十字架是核心).
    • “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2).
    • “Ravi didn’t preach an argument; he used argumentation to preach a person.”
    • “Evangelism undergirded by apologetics.”
May 13, 2020 - Default    No Comments


天主教观点:信心 + 行为 = 称义
基督教观点:信心 = 称义 + 行为

Faith = Justification + Works
如果等式的右边没有行为,那就告诉我们等式的左边也没有信心。遗憾的是,如果等式的左边没有信心,等式的右边也没有称义。马丁路德曾经说过,我们得救是唯独借着信心 (justified by faith alone),但不是借着一种单独存在的信心 (not by a faith that is alone)。
  1. 已经得救也知道自己得救的人
    • 确信的程度每天都在晃动。
    • 真正的确据能在怀疑风暴中幸存下来。
  2. 已经得救但不知道自己得救的人
    • 不是每个人清楚知道自己什么时候得救。
    • 圣经没有地方说我们必须知道自己得救的准确时间。
    • 重生里立时的,没有人是半重生的。
    • 按照他人的经历是否与我们自己的经历一致来评估别人并分门别类是非常危险的。
    • 圣灵可以在一个人经历或感觉到改变之前就早已在里面重生了他。
    • 在经历上我们总是有可能自欺。
    • 作为基督徒,我们所能做的最危险的事情之一就是基于我们的经历确立我们的神学。
  3. 没有得救也知道自己没有得救的人
    • 人不需要听到圣经讲道也能知道自己的失丧光景。
  4. 没有得救但不知道自己没有得救的人
    • 最麻烦的是第四种:那些没有得救却以为自己得救的人。
    • 相对第一种人 (真正的确据),第四种人拥有虚假的确据。
    • 三种主要的错谬:
      • 普救论:所有人都会通过死亡而得救。
      • 律法主义:想要倚靠自己的义得救的人。
      • 宗教形式主义

原著:史普罗 R. C. Sproul – Can I Be Sure I’m Saved?

May 13, 2020 - Default    No Comments


Many are willing to die for God, how many are willing to die to self.
People are not serious to Christianity not because they are unbelievers, but because the Christians are not serious.
If there is one thing that is both legalistic and biblical, I think it is the reading of the Bible.