May 25, 2020 - Default    No Comments

Exegesis, Exposition, Hermeneutics

Exegesis = 解经 (分解原文)
Exposition = 释经 (解释经文)
Hermeneutics = 释经学
Expository Preaching = 释经式讲道
Preaching = 讲道
Homiletics = 讲道术
Pedagogy = 教学法 (教学方法的理论)
Didactics = 训育学 (训诲性的教学理论)
Rhetoric = 修辞学
Polemics = 辩论术
Sophistry = 诡辩法
Oratory = 雄辩法、演讲术
Dialectics = 辩证法 (逻辑辩证法)

Charles Spurgeon: “The people in the marketplace cannot learn the language of the academy, so the people in the academy must learn the language of the marketplace. That is why the pastor’s primary task in preaching is to translate.”
“在市场上的人不能学习学术上的语言,所以在学术界的人必须学习市场上的语言。这就是为什么牧师在讲道里主要的工作是翻译。” (司布真)