Oct 6, 2021 -
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Salvation-Legalism = salvation by works
Rules-Legalism = man-made rules
Tone-Legalism = oppressive focus on law-keeping
律法 (救赎) 主义 = 靠行为得救
律法 (加添) 主义 = 顺从人过于顺从神
律法 (强调) 主义 = 施压、辖制
Cong Fang读经祷告、追求圣洁、彻底奉献、传福音 |
Salvation-Legalism = salvation by works
Rules-Legalism = man-made rules
Tone-Legalism = oppressive focus on law-keeping
律法 (救赎) 主义 = 靠行为得救
律法 (加添) 主义 = 顺从人过于顺从神
律法 (强调) 主义 = 施压、辖制
live in the heaven,
so you can live on the earth;
live in the Bible,
so you can live in the heaven.
set your eyes in the heaven,
so you can set your feet on the earth;
set your mind in the Bible,
so you can set your heart in the heaven.