- 无止境地追求真理;
- 从来不满足自己、竭力向标杆直跑,不骄傲、不自卑;
- 继续不断地把荣耀归给上帝;
- 俯就更卑微的人;
- 常常依靠上帝,不依靠自己,寻求主的面、尊主为大、以主的心为心、做主的工作。
Cong Fang读经祷告、追求圣洁、彻底奉献、传福音 |
“… The Bible alerts us to a particular pattern for the believer’s sanctification. Every believer must pursue those good works that the Bible requires of us. These good works are done in obedience to the moral law of God (see WCF 16.1; HC 115). Good works are important for many reasons in the Christian life, not least to serve as “the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith” and to “strengthen [our] assurance” (WCF 16.2; compare Belgic Confession 24). Our obedience to God is both a duty and a delight. We obey God’s law both because we have to and because we want to. …”
Salvation-Legalism = salvation by works
Rules-Legalism = man-made rules
Tone-Legalism = oppressive focus on law-keeping
律法 (救赎) 主义 = 靠行为得救
律法 (加添) 主义 = 顺从人过于顺从神
律法 (强调) 主义 = 施压、辖制