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Nov 29, 2016 - Default    No Comments

The Christian Sabbath

The Christian Sunday is not the Jewish Sabbath.
It is not even something we use to judge others,
or prove that we are more righteous.

Many people believe in Jesus on the one hand,
and do the Law on the other hand. 
They are even afraid of breaking the Law.
These people rest on Sunday, but not rest in Christ.

My friends, once we enter the new covenant,
whatever we do, it is in Christ.
Our Sabbath, our rest is in Christ, 7 days a week.
Sunday is a day sanctified and used for worshiping our Lord.

Nov 29, 2016 - Default    No Comments


当一个人读圣经的时候,神会借着祂的话语使人看到神在旧约做的事情,耶稣在新约也做;看到神在旧约说的话,耶稣也说;看到当门徒称耶稣是神、并要敬拜他的时候,耶稣并不拒绝;… 当人有这些看见的时候,才是重生。这是神的拣选和工作。
人读圣经是为了看见神,就是看见耶稣,就是看见 “神在耶稣里的荣耀在经文中显现出来”,看见圣经如何见证耶稣是神。这才是读经的乐趣。
‘The Bible is not about you. It is about Jesus. But it is written for you.’ So you may read and “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31b).