Apr 12, 2024 - Default    No Comments

Q. 如何 “顺着圣灵而行”?

——John MacArthur “Being filled by the Spirit, being controlled by the Spirit, dominated by the Spirit, is the same as letting the word of Christ dominate you, the word and the Spirit being the same. The word reflects the will of the Spirit, so if you want to walk by the Spirit, then you walk according to Scripture, according to what the Word of God teaches. You ask yourself why there’s so little interest in sanctification today? It’s directly parallel to little interest in the Scripture. “Why there are so many people who fall in ugly and gross sin at all levels of the life of the church? It is because they do not know what they need to know to follow the mind of the Holy Spirit; they’re untaught. It is no favor done to people to preach nothing but simplistic evangelistic sermons, culturally based to try to attract non-believers week after week, year after year, and leave everybody sitting in there who’s come to Christ starving for spiritual truth and not knowing enough to win the battle that’s going on inside.” “被圣灵充满、被圣灵掌管、被圣灵支配,都等于让基督的道来主导你,道与灵是合一;这道表明了圣灵的心意。因此,如果你想顺着圣灵而行,那你就按照圣经、按照神话语所教导的而行。你问自己为什么今天人们对成圣如此不感兴趣?这与对圣经缺乏兴趣直接相关。 “为什么有这么多人在教会生活的各个层面都陷入丑陋和严重的罪中?这是因为他们不知道他们需要知道什么来随从圣灵的心意——他们没有受过教导。只传讲简单化的福音布道对人们没有任何好处,以文化为中心去吸引非信徒,周复一周、年复一年,却让那些来到基督面前、渴望属灵真理,却不知如何赢得内心争战的人坐在那里。” 参:加拉太书 5:16-25; 罗马书 8:5-11

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