Sep 8, 2018 -
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Paul Washer – Prayer
Paul Washer – Prayer (Matthew 6:9-11)
- Christianity is much more than doctrine, but it’s not less than doctrine, but it’s more than doctrine. It is a relationship with God.
- A praying man is a useful man.
- All praying is based upon our knowledge of who God is.
- You must have a prayer life that is be based upon the knowledge of God: who is God, what are the works of God, and how does God work.
- Walk with God on your knees.
- Know God relationally in prayer.
- Spend the most of time on your knees cultivate a life of prayer.
- Prayer makes a man to be able to speak God’s Word with authority.
- The reverence before God and the boldness before God go hand in hand.
- One of the most powerful prayer is looking up to God and saying “You know.”
- Every trial is to show you your inability and to blow you back to the Great Source of all strength.
- Read the Bible and develop a biblical mind. Think as God thinks and pray as God wills.
- In the Lord’s Prayer, we see the heart of Jesus Christ.
- The only way that you should come out of a pulpit satisfied is because of that sermon the name of God was made greater.
- Expository preaching is a means for God to be glorified.
- If God not be glorified, you cannot be satisfied.
- Once a while we should preach on the streets.
- It takes lots more than loving people for you (to preach on streets). It’s going to take this: His name must be hallowed here (it needs the loving of God).
- The loving to God is the attitude that makes hell tremble.
- If you want the name of God to be hallowed, you are going to spend a lifetime fighting, and those battles are carried out on your knees.
- God’s name is going to be hallowed through our proclamation, and our proclamation is given wings on our prayers.
- Waiting on God is not doing nothing, but running to the throne of God.
- We do not wrestle with Goliath; we wrestle with God.
- We do it by proclamation of the Word of God and copious, ongoing, enduring, preserving, believing prayer.
- I will not let you go until you have fulfilled your promises.